2 Hot 4 the Global Opportunities Centre

The Global Opportunities Centre and I have had some creative differences. This may not be apparent to those of you who have read my blog, but those of you who haven’t – or more specifically haven’t been able to – will know what I’m talking about.

The GOC are stricter than I had expected regarding their policy on blog posts that mention drug use, regardless of the legality of said drugs in the country in which they were consumed. Not only this, they are also very strict about mentions of said mentions of drug use in later blogs (I assume this was the reason for the second post being made private – still haven’t had an email for that one.) It seems my rock-star lifestyle just isn’t compatible with the image that the university wants to promote, and I’m sure they have a good reason for it – it would be terrible if my blogs, say, ended up introducing some sort of drug culture to the UK university scene. Can you imagine.

This disturbing screenshot was taken from the computer of a second-year languages student after reading my blog.

What this has meant is that both the posts I have so far put up on their website have been taken down. And while I suppose in seriousness I can understand their point of view it’s still annoying, because I don’t have an infinite amount of time to spend writing, revising and subsequently apologising for blogs. I’d rather not have to spend each blog I write treading the fine line between their ‘it’s totally cool to express your personality!!!’ guideline, and their several ‘BUT FOR GOD’S SAKE NOT LIKE THAT’ other ones.

Realising that my second blog had been made unviewable on the GOC website was an upsetting experience, and for the past few days I have been considering stopping the blog altogether. But over those few days I decided it would be a great shame to stop doing something that I’ve very much enjoyed doing so soon purely because the Global Opportunities Centre doesn’t have a sense of humour. So once more I dusted the cocaine off my laptop and created this, my very own wordpress account, where as far as I’m aware I can post whatever I want. Such as this picture.

Photo Credit: Amelia Jones Photoshop

So from now on you will be able to find all my blogs here! For those of you who lack the energy to drag your tired eyes up to the address bar, that’s alexsinappropriateadventures.wordpress.com. I’ve also uploaded the two blogs that were taken down so if you didn’t get a chance to look at them before you now can, though reader discretion is advised; please make sure there aren’t any children or British university students in the room with you.

The idea is that it will still be a travel/life abroad blog. I’ll keep everyone posted about what I’m doing and where I’ve been, and try and offer up any insight I have about Peruvian culture and lifestyle. But now that it’s freed from the GOC’s totalitarian shackles there is more scope for freedom of expression, and I’ll do my best not to go mad with this power.

That is all, please keep perusing!

Me not doing work

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